The Varisian Empire
The Varisian Empire. Located in the heart of Thesa and led by the enigmatic Emperor Varist. The empire is a driven war machine, waging war on the surrounding nations under the ideals of unity.
Umbral Depths
The Umbral Depths, a realm beneath the underdark, home to shadow, chaos, and the imprisoned god Solarius.
The Mortalis
The Mortalis, beings created with divine free will and creation b Elyra, spread across thesurface of Auro, settling in Thesa.Cursed by Solarius and victims of the divine war, the Mortalis have endured through hardship to become the progenitors of the common races.
The Luminae
The race of immortal beings created by the divine union between Elyra and Solarius. The Luminae are created in the image of Elyra, beings of celestial grace and beauty.
Creation Myth
The creation myth of Thesa and the planet Auros, from the initial creation to the divine war. The story tells of the creation of the Luminae, the Umbrans and the rise and fall of the Mortalis.
Thesan Pantheon
The Thesan Patheon presents a new cration myth and a new way the gods are represented.
An introduction to the continent of Thesa, and the nations that call it home. From the industrial war machine of the Varisian Empire to the magically aligned Morn Arcanum.